
ARIS Stellantriebe GmbH

Ful­ly elec­tro­nic dam­per actuator

The Linea­ris TE com­bi­nes sta­te-of-the-art and user-fri­end­ly line­ar tech­no­lo­gy with ful­ly elec­tro­ni­cal­ly con­trol­led dri­ve tech­no­lo­gy via con­tact­less Hall sensors.

A stain­less steel high-helix spind­le with dry­s­pin® spind­le nut made of high-per­for­mance poly­mer ensu­res relia­ble and main­ten­an­ce-free ope­ra­ti­on. Due to the high gra­di­ent, the requi­red engi­ne speed is noti­ce­ab­ly redu­ced in com­pa­ri­son to the clas­sic design, so that the engi­nes run signi­fi­cant­ly smoot­her and quie­ter, thus signi­fi­cant­ly increa­sing the ser­vice life of the engi­nes. Ins­te­ad of the com­mer­ci­al­ly avail­ab­le cas­tings, anodi­sed alu­mi­num machined parts are used with the Linea­ris TE, which are signi­fi­cant­ly more robust with a low weight. The Linea­ris has been deve­lo­ped by prac­titio­ners. Long holes in the bra­ckets allow easy assem­bly. The dry run­ning spind­le nut pre­vents dirt build-up so that lar­ge and expen­si­ve bel­lows designs are no lon­ger requi­red. Like­wi­se, the regu­lar gre­a­sing is avo­ided by the lub­ri­cant-free construction.

The BLDC motors used in the dri­ve head are con­trol­led in speed and tor­que and are per­man­ent­ly moni­to­red by inte­gra­ted Hall sen­sors. The dri­ve posi­ti­on is detec­ted and pre­cise­ly con­trol­led by two con­tact­less abso­lu­te encoders. Per­ma­nent red­un­dan­cy tests of the dri­ve sys­tem ensu­re high and ope­ra­tio­nal relia­bi­li­ty. The end and switch posi­ti­ons are com­for­ta­b­ly set via an inte­gra­ted key­board, which makes com­mis­sio­ning much fas­ter. Opti­ons are plug­ged into the mother­board and auto­ma­ti­cal­ly reco­gni­zed by the sys­tem. A wide ran­ge power sup­ply (85–265 V AC) as well as a DC vol­ta­ge sup­ply (24 V DC) offer you a high degree of fle­xi­bi­li­ty. The Linea­ris TE also clear­ly sur­pas­ses the clas­sic dri­ve variant.

The Linea­ris TE is avail­ab­le in stan­dard stro­ke lengths 150 and 300 mm for actua­ting forces up to 5000 N.

Other stro­ke lengths are avail­ab­le on request.

Force 6005000N

Tra­vel time 0.54.0 mm/s



Tensor drive head

  • Robust industrial design
  • Installable in any position
  • Maintenance-free
  • Permanently monitored BLDC motor
  • Electronic setting of end and intermediate positions
  • Electronic wear- and backlash-free position indication via 2 Hall sensors
  • Multi voltage power supply (85–265 V AC) or low voltage power supply (24 V DC)
  • Several add-ons (bus, PID controller, electronic poti, position indicator, special characteristic curve etc.)

dryspin® technology

High-helix: Higher life span and efficiency

The dryspin® technology is based on wear-resisistant igus® high performance polymers, specially designed for screw drives, dryspin® offers a higher life span and effi ciency to high-helixes by their characteristics and geometries, specially matched to the nut and lead screw. By their freedom from lubrication, dryspin® screw drives are suitable for usage in rough industrial just as in clean and hygienic environments (e.g. laboratory automation).

  • dryspin® lead screw
  • Lubricant-free
  • High-tech polymer iglidur® J inside aluminum block
  • Optimal transmission of the torque by form closure
  • Vibration-isolating
  • Smooth and steady run

Linear unit


  • Stainless steel high-helix lead screw Ø18
  • Lead 40 mm with optimized efficiency
  • Less turns per stroke length
  • Long-life motor
  • Slow and smooth motor movement
  • Low noise and vibration
  • Holding torque by self-hold of the actuator
  • Separately exchangeable actuator
  • High-strength, anodized aluminum milled parts, corrosion resistant and lightweight
  • Long holes for fastening, i.e. easy installation
  • Maintenance-free by dry-run, no lubrication necessary, no dirt deposits on grease (longer life span)
  • Embedded (dry) lubricants inside the lead screw nut
  • High quality „dryspin® technology“. Lead screw and nut made by igus©


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